AlkaWay is introducing Molecular Hydrogen, what we didn’t know then is that water contained molecular hydrogen which we now know was one of the key benefits of the water. So now we now have developed I LOVE H2 a way to super-charge your water with Molecular Hydrogen or H2.
Over 500 scientific studies available
I Love H2 is a unique patent-pending formula that converts regular water to hydrogen infused water, developed in the USA in conjunction with AlkaWay.
- Fill the bottle with purified water.
- Add one or two I LOVE H2 tablets
- Seal the lid
- Wait for 5-20m to allow H2 to concentrate in the bottle. This gives H2 levels far better than electric ionizers.
- Drink all the bottle. We find one shot is far more effective than sipping.
Key Features
- Proven sports support through scientific studies showing a reduced lactic acid effect and post-workout fatigue.
- Just drop it into a bottle of water, seal the bottle and wait 5 minutes.
- 60 tabs per bottle
- Creates H2 levels of up to 1.5 ppm, test via H2 Blue
Note: ‘I Love H2’ is classified as a sports supplement. For this reason, we make no therapeutic or medical claims. Please visit the Molecular Hydrogen Institute’s website for far more exciting detail.
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